The Wonderful World of Wood:


The term hardwood like softwood refers to the botanical grouping of the wood rather than its physical properties. It is, however, a useful label since the majority of hardwoods are in fact harder than woods from the softwood group. The out standing exception is Balsawood which, although botanically a hardwood, is the softest wood in the two groups.

Hardwoods come from broadleaved trees, which belong to the botanical group Angiospermae (flowering plants). This group is regarded as a higher evolutionary order than the older and more primitive coniferous Gymnosperms, which have a smaller cell structure.Angiosperms produce seed bearing ovaries that develop after fertilization into fruits or nuts.

Most broadleaved trees grow in temperate zones are deciduous and lose their leaves in winter but not all, for some have developed into evergreens.

Broadleaved trees grown in tropical forests are mainly evergreen.Hardwoods are generally more durable than softwoods and offer a wider choice of colour, texture and figure.

They are also more expensive and many of them, particularly the highly prized exotic wood, are converted into veneer.

There are thousands of species of hardwood trees distributed throughout the world, hundreds of which are harvested for commercial use.

Climate is the most important factor governing which species grows where.In general, deciduous broadleaved trees are native to the temperate northern hemisphere and broadleaved evergreens to the tropics and southern hemisphere.Hardwoods grow relatively slowly, and although programmes for replanting help maintain the forests, the new trees are not always of such good quality as the older stock.

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